Products addressing sustainability challenges

We keep expanding our product range to address sustainability challenges, catering to the growing market demand and heightened environmental awareness among our customers.

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We also implement changes into our production processes to optimise resource usage and reduce energy consumption. Our primary focus is on efficient, innovative and environmentally friendly production. In 2022, no animal testing was carried out at the key companies of the Grupa Azoty Group.

While our Group continues to manufacture fertilizers, we are additionally evolving into an effective adviser on fertilizer application, leveraging our expertise in the latest agricultural technologies to assist farmers in maximising their yields. We manufacture advanced fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors for enhanced nitrogen uptake. Our services to farmers, based on a satellite technology and advanced soil scanners, support and popularise precision agriculture, helping to reduce fertilizer consumption by as much as 30%. 

We explore new fertilizer formulas and technologies with significant market potential and adjust our fertilizer portfolio to meet evolving market expectations and the requirements of sustainable farming. Looking for innovative product solutions, we leverage our in-house expertise and the technologically advanced R&D facilities of the Grupa Azoty Group. In 2022, the collaboration between research units within the Group centred on various initiatives, including the development of agrotechnical recommendations for fertilizers, consultation on research scopes, and analysis of the viability of incorporating market-available equipment in agricultural practices, including advanced agronomic solutions, such as soil scanners, remote sensing, and precision agriculture. 

We manufacture fertilizers tailored to the specific needs of different soils and crops. As a result, soil receives only those nutrients it actually needs. 

The research conducted in 2022 encompassed:

  • speciality ammonium nitrate-sulfate fertilizer products with functional additives,
  • new generation nitrification inhibitors,
  • laboratory-scale development of mineral and organic fertilizer compositions based on dolomite powder, 
  • biodegradable materials for coating granulated fertilizers,
  • fertilizer composition based on sawdust and ammonium sulfate in the form of pellets, using thermoplastic starch binder,
  • assessing the impact of incorporating nitrification inhibitors and urease into fertilizers on the crop yields, soil properties and emissions of nitrogen compounds into the atmosphere. 

In line with our ESG strategy:

  • we are committed to food safety,
  • we develop and manufacture biodegradable plastics,
  • we apply effective fertilizer formulas helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 
See our new green products
  • New products based on urease inhibitor – AZOVILEN® S and AZOVILEN® G

AZOVILEN® G is a liquid nitrogen stabilizer, an additive to solid nitrogen fertilizers containing urea nitrogen. It was developed based on NBPT as an active substance, its concentration fine-tuned to optimise the product’s efficacy. Its application reduces urease activity in soil, which prevents excessive (quick) transformation of urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide, reducing their emissions into the atmosphere. This increases the efficacy of nitrogen in the fertilizer, improving crop yields and quality.

AZOVILEN® S is a liquid nitrogen stabilizer, an additive to nitrogen fertilizers containing amide nitrogen. It is designed for use with urea-ammonium nitrate solutions and to coat urea granules.

  • New fertilizer product Polist

Polist, a new fertilizer to be marketed by Grupa Azoty Police, is designed to provide nutrients directly into a plant’s leaves (not via the roots). Thanks to the foliar application of urea solution, Polist rapidly releases nitrogen into plants. The new fertilizer complements, rather than replaces, the soil application of nutrients. 

  • Humic acid line

In 2022, we launched commercial production of humic acids for Tohumus® (the main product). The product supports regenerative agriculture by recreating and maintaining crop yield potential. 

  • Technology for obtaining potassium thiosulfate

We have developed a technology for obtaining potassium thiosulfate solution using waste gases containing small amounts of sulfur oxides from the sulfuric acid unit and compound fertilizers based on urea-ammonium nitrate solution and potassium thiosulfate. This has lowered emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere by approximately 90%, which helps reduce GHG emissions and is aligned with the circular economy model. 

  • Development of 3D printing technology

In 2022, we added recycled filaments to our 3D printing materials range. The new Tarfuse® rPLA line comprises filaments made from granules that are 100% industrial recyclate derived from residual waste recycling. 

  • Biodegradable and compostable polymers line

Grupa Azoty S.A. is the first company in Poland to have launched a line of biodegradable and compostable polymer granules. The new envifill® line has been developed based on the Grupa Azoty Group’s proprietary technology for obtaining thermoplastic starch made from biodegradable and compostable materials with no plasticizer content. 

  • Grupa Azoty Puławy’s KAPROPOL project

In 2022, Grupa Azoty Puławy was completing work on the KAPROPOL project and a comprehensive innovative technology to obtain ε-caprolactone – a biodegradable monomer for the production of polycaprolactone (PCL), which is used, for instance, in medical applications.

See how we support the circular economy

We seek to attain the highest operational standards, aligned with the principles of the circular economy. We are aware that minimising feedstock consumption, recovery of materials, recycling of waste, and development of new biodegradable plastics are a necessity. We adhere to the increasingly stringent standards mandated by EU regulations, the objective of which is to promote a swift adoption of the circular economy.

Our new products are intended to drive economic growth, while protecting natural resources and preserving the balance of agroecosystems globally. By ensuring the rational and efficient utilisation of nutrients present in fertilizers, we guarantee optimised yield quantity and quality, while mitigating pollution and preserving production potential of the natural environment.One example of products consistent with the circular economy concept is Fosfarm, a line of fertilizers enriched with calcium, magnesium, sulfur and micronutrients, such as copper and zinc. Their phosphorus content, as well as the calcium, magnesium and micronutrients, all come from renewable sources, including sewage sludge incineration ash.

Circular economy


The formula of Fosfarm fertilizers has been designed to minimise the use of the product and maximise its effectiveness. They are enriched with calcium, magnesium, sulfur and micronutrients, that is copper and zinc, which significantly contribute to improving soil quality. Fosfarm fertilizers contain ammoniacal nitrogen, magnesium and sulfur as components facilitating absorption of phosphorus by plants, i.e. stimulating what is called synergism between elements. The phosphorus contained in the fertilizers is soluble in ammonium citrate and water (one-fourth of the phosphorus is water soluble). Phosphorus compounds soluble in those two substances show comparable effectiveness regardless of when they are applied, provided they are placed at the correct depth in the soil.

Circular economy


The efficiency of the product also depends on how it is used. We therefore provide our customers with leaflets containing information about how and when to use Fosfarm fertilizers in the best possible way. The leaflets contain advice on the optimum doses of the product, and show the periods that are critical to plant growth (when the product should be used). Those materials also have an added educational value, explaining the source of fertilizer application at a given time of the plant’s life cycle, as well as the expected effect of fertilizer application.

Circular economy


Being aware that natural resources are not unlimited, we are attaching more and more importance to using them in a sustainable and responsible manner. A by-product of one process may become the basis for another. With this in mind, we have developed Fosfarm fertilizers. The phosphorus content, as well as the calcium, magnesium and micronutrients, come from regenerative sources only, including sewage sludge incineration ash.

Circular economy


Each component of the product, including its packaging, should be reusable and therefore the packaging of the Fosfarm line has been designed to be recyclable. To facilitate segregation, it has been marked with appropriate signs.

In 2022, we validated the technology for obtaining potassium chloride from by-pass dust generated at cement plants. We also commenced technical and economic analyses of its industrial-scale deployment. The technology involves a waste-free production process using a by-product raw material, in line with the principles of the circular economy. The product can serve as a feedstock for further processes, in the manufacture of solid fertilizers or as an additive to liquid products, such as humic acids.

A closed loop in raw materials is also supported by activities of our Plastics segment, which has long used its by-products to make viable products. In 2021, a large-scale project was launched to increase the potential of mechanical recycling of polyamide 6 and add other recycling methods. The new method is to rely primarily on recycling of plastic waste, which will allow us to add to our portfolio new products containing recycled materials or to recover plastic monomers.

Read about the safety of our products
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We maintain full control over the safety and quality of our production processes. To eliminate potential risks, we have implemented and rigorously adhere to stringent internal regulations and top-tier production standards. The underlying legal framework includes the Environmental Protection Law, the Water Law as well as the Waste Acts and other legal regulations pertaining to environmental protection, occupational health and safety and fire safety. All hazardous products undergo a safety assessment in accordance with the REACH Regulation, CLP Regulation, and the Fertilizers and Fertilization Act. Substances placed on the market are registered and appropriately labelled, while customers are informed of associated risks.

Best practice

Grupa Azoty S.A.’s process safety management system is defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Policy and the Industrial Accident Prevention Programme. The company records and analyses hazards, adjusting relevant safeguards (‘safety layers’) to address these hazards. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Law, it regularly draws up the Safety Report.


Product safety and quality are seen as strategic priorities at the Grupa Azoty Group. We are well aware of the risks, both to humans and the environment, that may arise from the use of potentially hazardous chemicals. For this reason, we have implemented rigorous internal regulations and strictly comply with world-class standards for chemical production. The underlying legal framework includes the Environmental Protection Law, the Water Law as well as the Waste Acts and other legal regulations concerning environmental protection, occupational health and safety and fire safety.

Our products are sold to food producers and farmers, and so their quality has a direct impact on consumer safety and health. Recognising this responsibility, we have set the following goals for the Group:

  • to supply mineral fertilizers facilitating efficient crop cultivation in line with environmental principles, while ensuring the profitability of agricultural business and making food prices affordable,
  • to enhance the security of food supply, eradicate poverty and bolster development opportunities for local communities,
  • to prevent degradation of soil and help restore it to original condition in line with the set goals, such as the goal of counteracting desertification,
  • where possible, to eliminate or mitigate adverse effects of fertilizer application and agricultural production on the environment.

The effective delivery on these commitments is ensured through our internal Food Safety Management Policies (updated in May 2022). In line with the Policies, all parameters affecting the quality and safety of products are monitored on an ongoing basis, high standards of hygiene are adhered to at the production, storage and distribution stages, and the manufacturing infrastructure with supporting technologies is constantly upgraded and improved. The Policies also underline the need to provide ongoing staff training on health safety issues and to exchange information, both internally and externally, on the risks to product safety throughout the food chain. 

We are responsible for products along the entire supply chain. As a member of Fertilizers Europe, our Group runs the Product Stewardship programme, based on a set of international quality standards and regulations. The Group companies ensure that their procedures for processing, transport, storage, distribution and use of raw materials and intermediate products conform to the principles of responsibility, protection of human health and safety and environmental safety. In 2022, Grzegorz Kądzielawski, Vice President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A., was re-appointed Vice President of Fertilizers Europe for the second term of office.


The fertilizers we manufacture and the raw materials and intermediates we use are processed, transported, stored and distributed in line with the principles underpinning the protection of human health and safety and environmental safety. 

In 2022, 91.6% of key product categories across the Group were assessed for potential impact on consumer health and safety and on the natural environment. The key product categories at the respective companies included: 

Grupa Azoty S.A.: 

  • fertilizers (based on ammonium nitrate and sulfate and humic compounds), 
  • chemicals (nitric acid, sulfuric acid, oleum, cyclohexanone, cyclohexanone oxime), 
  • plastics – polyamide 6, biopolymers, 3D printing materials (filaments, pellets), 
  • catalysts, 
  • energy carriers.

Grupa Azoty Puławy: 

  • onecon,
  • hydrogen.

Grupa Azoty Police: 

  • fertilizers,
  • pigments,
  • chemicals.

Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn: 

  • Oxoplast™ BU substances,
  • AGRO BU substances and mixtures.


In 2022, no incidents of non-compliance with regulations or voluntarily implemented codes concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services were identified.

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The information we place on packaging labels clearly identify each product and help understand any potential hazards involved and restrictions on its use. Appropriate labelling, instruction manuals and safety data sheets describing a product’s possible effects on the environment and living organisms are prepared for all products leaving our plants. Some packaging also bears information on how the product should be recycled. These matters are addressed by our integrated management system, which includes procedures and instructions for product labelling and safeguards consumers’ interests by providing assurance about the safety and quality of the goods they purchase. Trade names, manufacturer contact details and product weight are also provided on all packaging. 

  • Our products bear a label containing basic information on the material. 
  • Hazardous substances and mixtures are labelled in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP). A safety data sheet is prepared for each product and provided to customers in accordance with the REACH Regulation. 
  • Materials classified as dangerous in transport are appropriately labelled in accordance with the RID and ADR regulations. 
  • Fertilizers are labelled in line with the Fertilizers and Fertilization Act and Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 – most fertilizer and plastic products come with information leaflets.

Since 2022, fertilizers manufactured by the Grupa Azoty Group have been CE marked in accordance with the new Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 of the European Parliament and of the Council.


Percentage of product and service categories subject to information requirements (%)

Grupa Azoty S.A.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY
Grupa Azoty POLICE100

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No incidents of non-compliance concerning product or service information and marketing communications were identified in 2022.


In 2022, no penalties were imposed on any of our companies for non-compliance with laws and regulations governing the supply and use of products at any stage of their life cycle.

Best practice
All the Group companies complied with the duty to register manufactured substances, and prepared and published appropriate material safety data sheets (or equivalent documents) in accordance with the EU REACH Regulation1 for all products placed on the market. In 2021 and 2022, the Group companies fulfilled the obligation to update these documents and continued to cooperate in implementing REACH-related initiatives.

1 Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 18th 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency.

We are strongly committed to ensuring the safety of our products during transport. When transporting particularly dangerous goods, we strictly apply the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR, L’Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route). We assist our business partners in the event of any accidents involving the transport of hazardous substances. The key Group companies continue to be active participants of the SPOT System of Assistance in Hazardous Material Transport, which aims to enhance the safety of transporting such materials in the territory of Poland. In the event of a hazard, it facilitates effective remediation of the consequences of an accident by mobilising the combined forces and resources of the national firefighting and rescue system and other entities forming part of the SPOT system. 

We also ensure the safety of in-company transport. Means of transport used on the premises of Grupa Azoty S.A. include forklifts and belt conveyors, with products delivered to the port warehouses by rail. Electric forklift trucks are used on the premises of Grupa Azoty Puławy, and environmentally safe recycling procedures for spent batteries and tyres have been put in place. All warehouses of Grupa Azoty Puławy are furnished with appropriate venting systems and dedicated forklift loading places.

We also operate in compliance with the food safety requirements. A system conforming to the requirements of the Codex Alimentarius, ISO 22000 standard and applicable laws has been implemented at all companies engaged in the manufacture of products used in the food industry. The FSSC (Food Safety System Certification) has been implemented at Grupa Azoty Puławy. 

Best practice

Given the nature of their operations, the Grupa Azoty Group companies are formally classified as upper-tier establishments. Our obligations include the preparation and periodical updates of the Safety Report. We have in place adequate monitoring and safety systems, and our procedures minimise the risk of industrial accidents and mitigate their potential impacts. These procedures include: 

  • preventive plans, 
  • production process control, 
  • performance of particularly hazardous work,
  • emergency/accident response instructions, 
  • occupational health and safety monitoring, 
  • operational control, 
  • assessment of safety objectives alignment with standards, 
  • storage. 
Climate and environment
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