Safe and friendly workplace

Employee safety

Safety is given absolute priority at the Grupa Azoty Group.

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All employees and other individuals providing work to the Group are covered by a comprehensive occupational health and safety management system, based on ISO 45001:2018, which highlights in particular: 

  • OHS risk assessment,
  • preventive health care and prevention of accidents, 
  • collecting and using information on incidents other than accidents,
  • enabling all stakeholders, including employees and social partners, to take safety improvement measures (in a consultative and participative process).

The OHS function at each Grupa Azoty Group company performs regular inspections and participates in accident and emergency teams. Any hazards or accidents reported by employees in electronic or paper form are closely reviewed. A register of hazards, near-miss incidents and observations is maintained and updated in an online database. In order to prevent any unsafe situations, the companies share information by posting lessons learnt from near-miss incidents on an online platform.


In 2022, we did not identify any work-related ill health at the Grupa Azoty Group . Work-related ill health comprises the occupational diseases specified in the Labour Code. Hazards that pose an occupational disease risk are associated with the use of hazardous substances, excessive noise, or dust. The list of hazards has been drawn up on the basis of risk assessments and measurements carried out at the plants. The companies monitor those hazards, carry out relevant inspections and provide training to minimise their impact.

1 The data, sourced from the OHS systems in place at the companies, cover all employees and individuals providing work to the Grupa Azoty Group.

Workers covered by the occupational health and safety management system2
Percentage of all employees (%)
Percentage of all workers (%)
Percentage of all employed (employees and workers who are not employees) (%)
Number of all individuals covered by the occupational health and safety (OHS) management system
Grupa Azoty S.A.2,14751100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY3,64762100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty POLICE2,51515100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN1,58989100.0100.0100.0
Number of all individuals covered by the occupational health and safety (OHS) management system subject to external audit9,898217100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty S.A.2,14751100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY3,64762100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty POLICE2,51515100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN1,58989100.0100.0100.0
Number of all individuals covered by the occupational health and safety management system (OHS) audited or certified by an external party9,898217100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty S.A.2,14751100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY3,64762100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty POLICE2,51515100.0100.0100.0
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN1,58989100.0100.0100.0
Total number of workers9,898217---
Grupa Azoty S.A.2,14751---
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY3,64762---
Grupa Azoty POLICE2,51515---
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN1,58989---

2 The data has been sourced from the OHS systems in place at the companies.

See how we promote safety at the group companies
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Grupa Azoty S.A. 

Grupa Azoty S.A. has implemented procedures for identifying and assessing risks at work stations, as well as internal procedures in case of major industrial accidents. The internal procedures set out the methods of assessing identified hazards and measures to be taken for addressing various hazard types and levels. The outcome of the risk assessment may, in certain cases, encompass guidance, OHS recommendations, and improvement plans. The OHS system, based on ISO 45001, is regularly subject to both internal and external audits.

The plant has an electronic notification system for OHS hazards, near misses and incidents. An internal procedure describes the process for reporting such situations and defines the rules of response. There are incident investigation teams and a dedicated team appointed to investigate any industrial accidents, operating in accordance with internal regulations. After carrying out the prescribed procedures, the teams issue recommendations intended to improve the OHS situation. 

Hazard identification is a responsibility of safety professionals – licensed OHS inspectors or individuals who have completed postgraduate studies in process safety, as appropriate. 

The scope of OHS training for individual employees depends on their job description, required competencies and formal requirements. Within its organisational framework, Grupa Azoty S.A. maintains a safe work training department, staffed by OHS specialists who possess a thorough understanding of the plant and the associated hazards. The company organises its own induction and periodic OHS training, as well as ADR, RID and chemical rescue courses. With respect to specialised training, such as electrical installation licensing, working with hazardous materials, operating cranes and gantries, etc., the Group has established a system to identify and monitor training needs for each position, with workers directed to relevant training units.

As part of OHS training, employees are made aware of their statutory right to abstain from work if they perceive it to be unsafe, with no adverse consequences. This principle is respected by those charged with supervision and by line managers. There have been no instances of disciplinary action for refusing to work in such situations. The internal policies and instructions also define emergency evacuation procedures.

Employees are offered a range of risk mitigation measures, measurement of harmful factors, OHS training, and occupational healthcare examinations. We also offer free flu vaccination, and employees can opt for private healthcare partly funded by the employer. Employee health data is protected in compliance with the personal data protection laws. 

Employees actively contribute to enhancing the level of plant safety through: 

  • a hazard and incident reporting system, 
  • the activity of the Company Social Labour Inspector and Divisional Social Labour Inspectors,
  • meetings of the Company OHS Committee, comprising trade union representatives and the Company Social Labour Inspector. The role of the Committee is to ensure OHS communication between representatives of the employer and those of employees. 

Employees are provided with OHS information, such as risk assessments and results of harmful factor measurements. In addition, there is a generally accessible intranet OHS service at Grupa Azoty S.A.

The OHS Committee of Grupa Azoty S.A. meets every quarter. 

Grupa Azoty Puławy

Grupa Azoty Puławy assesses occupational risk based on hazards identified by an interdisciplinary team. The findings of such assessment are the starting point for occupational health and safety improvements. The appointed team members have expert knowledge and relevant professional experience. 

Employees of the company can report risk exposures involved in their work by communicating them anonymously via the OHS feedback box or by notifying the Social Labour Inspectorate, which will relay such information to the OHS Department.

The occupational healthcare services within the Group provide advice as part of the OHS Committee. The company provides regular first aid training for employees, and a medical rescue centre operates around the clock at the Puławy plant. 

Every employee receives training on risk assessment, measurement of harmful factors and required preventive measures, and has access to OHS training and occupational healthcare examinations during working hours. Occupational healthcare examinations are performed at the onsite clinic. An in-house ambulance is available for all employees during working hours. Employees have the option to receive free-of-charge vaccinations against flu and undergo testing for Lyme disease. Employee health data is protected in compliance with the personal data protection laws. 

The assessment of OHS training needs is tailored to the specific requirements of each job position. Every training group is assigned a specific frequency for periodic training updates, based on which a training schedule is drawn up. For each course type, a log with an attendance list is maintained, with a knowledge check held to conclude every training programme. The instructors are trained in teaching methods and have relevant educational backgrounds and expertise (e.g., OHS and fire safety specialists, electricians, mechanics). They have extensive professional experience and hold certificates confirming their qualifications as internal trainers. The training frequency is determined in compliance with regulatory requirements, but for managers overseeing employees engaged in hazardous work it exceeds the stipulated regulatory standards.

The company also oversees the OHS compliance of its subcontractors, mandating an initial instruction before they commence work for the company or on its premises. 

Employees of the Puławy-based company can contribute to enhancing the plant safety level through Occupational Risk Assessment consultations, consultations during the work of the OHS Committee and consultations on internal OHS regulations.

The OHS Department of Grupa Azoty Puławy informs staff of the safe work rules via its intranet website and notice boards. ‘5 Minutes for Safety’ instruction materials are also issued on a regular basis. Supplementary materials to familiarise employees with OHS matters include incident details, OHS instructions, occupational risk assessments, material safety data sheets for hazardous substances and mixtures, findings from occupational exposure measurements, and a register of OHS aspects.

The OHS Committee of Grupa Azoty Puławy meets at least once a quarter. Additionally, the company has established fire and technical safety committees, technical/emergency committees and technical boards.

Grupa Azoty Police

Grupa Azoty Police has implemented procedures to identify hazards, assess occupational risk and investigate OHS incidents. Divisional Social Labour Inspectors, who hold appropriate licences and have completed appropriate training, regularly review the working conditions. Divisional safety meetings are also held on a regular basis. 

Grupa Azoty Police employees may report health and safety hazards electronically or directly to the plant dispatcher or area users. Employees are instructed, as provided for in the Labour Code, to abstain from performing their duties if there is a perceived threat to health or life. Such instructions are given during OHS training and by relevant area users. During Divisional Safety Meetings, the OHS system is reviewed and revised for improved performance. 

Best practice

Grupa Azoty Police and Grupa Azoty Puławy promote the idea of voluntary blood giving among their employees. Several times a year, a dedicated blood collection bus arrives and is stationed on the companies’ premises.

Grupa Azoty Police has engaged a local medical centre, situated near the plant, to provide occupational healthcare services, including enhanced and ad hoc medical care. Employees also have access to private medical and dental care. Employee health data is protected in compliance with the personal data protection laws. 

The company’s OHS Department regularly communicates safety information to staff via the intranet and as part of the ‘5 Minutes for Safety’ initiative. 

The company’s OHS Committee meets once a quarter. 

Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn

Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn has in place procedures for hazard identification and occupational risk assessment. Information used for risk assessment concerns: 

  • the plant process, working media involved and explosive atmospheres, 
  • methods of performing work, and of monitoring and recording actual conditions (hazards that have already been identified, their sources, possible consequences of hazards), 
  • accidents at work, 
  • near misses, 
  • occupational diseases or suspected occupational diseases, 
  • industrial accidents.

Based on data obtained, the Group Safety Department updates the occupational risk assessment, issues control sheets for non-conformity, updates the procedures and instructions of the safety management system and issues relevant recommendations. 

Risks or instances of non-compliance with OHS rules may be reported to the OHS Department by telephone, email or in person. In addition, such information may be provided to the Social Labour Inspectors or trade unions. Employees may also report hazards anonymously on the intranet forum or through dedicated feedback boxes. 

The company has signed a contract for the provision of medical services, including occupational healthcare, with a medical operator. Under the contract, employees have 24/7 access to medical assistance, including medical transport. In addition to preventive medical examinations, the occupational physician sits on the regional Safety and Environmental Committees and participates in the work of the occupational risk assessment team. Moreover, once every six months the occupational physician prepares a workforce health summary. Employee health data is protected in compliance with the personal data protection laws. 

Best practice

In 2022, employees were offered opportunities to participate in various preventive programmes addressing cervical discopathy, liver and pancreatic diseases, colon cancer, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis.

OHS training needs are determined by the heads of organisational units based on the job description sheets and organisational needs.

Employees contribute to the creation of a safety system through the Company Social Labour Inspector and trade unions. As part of the approval process, all documents of the safety management system are sent to be consulted by each organisational unit, so that employees can submit their comments. 

Every employee of the company has access to the intranet, where documents on health and safety are readily available. 

Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn has established a Safety and Environment Committee, whose members hold appropriate OHS qualifications. Their role is to:

  • evaluate the health, safety, and environmental protection status, 
  • give opinions on measures put in place to prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases, 
  • formulate observations and propose actions to improve working conditions and environmental protection, 

In 2022, there were no fatal or severe workplace accidents among employees of the Grupa Azoty Group. There were minor workplace accidents, in which a total of 107 individuals were injured, including 96 men and 11 women. The most common injuries included strains, sprains, falls, bruises and fractures. All those accidents were investigated in accordance with the procedures in place at the respective companies and, wherever possible, measures were taken to prevent reoccurrence. Workplace risks that may potentially lead to serious injuries at each of the companies include exposure to chemical substances such as methane, hydrogen, ammonia, sulfuric acid, and nitric acid. A survey of chemical hazards has been prepared on the basis of production process descriptions and material safety data sheets for the substances used and manufactured at the plant. The analysis of relevant hazards informs occupational risk assessments for individual positions. Mitigation of these risks is achieved through the use of individual and collective protective equipment, regular training, and the substitution of hazardous substances with safer alternatives. In 2022, no incidents causing serious injuries related to chemical substances were reported.


Number of workplace accidents involving employees and other workers, by gender of the injured

GenderGrupa Azoty S.A.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY
Grupa Azoty POLICE
Total number of accidents in 2021
Grupa Azoty S.A.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY
Grupa Azoty POLICE
Total number of accidents in 2022
Number of minor workplace accidents involving employees, by gender of the injured
Number of minor workplace accidents involving other workers, by gender of the injured
Number of severe workplace accidents (excl. fatalities) involving employees, by gender of the injured
Number of severe workplace accidents (excl. fatalities) involving other workers, by gender of the injured
Number of fatal workplace accidents involving employees, by gender of the injured
Number of fatal workplace accidents involving other workers, by gender of the injured


Accident rate among employees and other workers, by gender of the injured3

GenderGrupa Azoty S.A.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY
Grupa Azoty POLICE
Grupa Azoty S.A.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY
Grupa Azoty POLICE5
Accident rate for minor workplace accidents involving employeesF11.
Accident rate for minor workplace accidents involving other workers
F00No data available
M00No data available
Accident rate for severe workplace accidents involving employeesF00000000
Accident rate for severe workplace accidents involving other workers
F00No data available
M00No data available00000
Accident rate for fatal workplace accidents involving employeesF00000000
Accident rate for fatal workplace accidents involving other workersF00No data available00000
M00No data available

2 Accident rate is calculated as follows: number of all accidents recorded /total number of hours worked × 200,000.
3 Number of hours worked by employees in 2022: Grupa Azoty S.A. (1,023,013 for women and 2,387,079 for men), Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn (725,043 for women and 1,768,865 for men), Grupa Azoty Puławy (1,150,913 for women and 4,253,462 for men), Grupa Azoty Police (3,594,181 for women and men in total).
4 Grupa Azoty Police has no data on the number of hours worked by individuals performing work under contracts other than employment contracts. The work of such individuals is remunerated on a monthly basis/based on agreed fees.

Safe and friendly workplace
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