Safe and friendly workplace

Professional development

We invest in staff upskilling, considering this an essential element for the development of our entire Group and a means to effectively deliver our Strategy for 2021-2030.

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We offer training tailored to various job descriptions and needs of each company. We also strictly adhere to the rules applicable to individual job positions and required licences. We ensure their timely and regular renewal so that our employees possess up-to-date knowledge.

Grupa Azoty S.A.

Grupa Azoty S.A. provides: 

  • individual and collective training, 
  • foreign language courses, 
  • purchase of e-learning courses.

In accordance with the collective bargaining agreement, an employee retiring due to illness or on reaching the retirement age is entitled to a one-off retirement benefit in an amount depending on their length of service. Where an employee terminates the employment contract due to retirement in the year and month of acquiring pension rights, the benefit is doubled.

Grupa Azoty Puławy

Grupa Azoty Puławy has in place a Professional Skills Development Programme which sets out rules for transferring knowledge and skills to blue-collar staff. The Programme aims to: 

  • boost productivity, 
  • raise employees’ expertise and skills, 
  • strengthen the knowledge sharing process, 
  • reduce overtime, 
  • ensure greater diversity of work for employees, 
  • provide employees with development opportunities, 
  • establish transparent rules for assessing staff’s skills and improving their knowledge,
  • link the knowledge and skills with pay level, 
  • create opportunities for horizontal or vertical staff promotion.
Grupa Azoty Police

At Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemicznie Police S.A., staff skills development is carried out in accordance with an approved training plan for the calendar year, designed to ensure a rational and effective training process for the company’s staff and to fill all positions with optimally qualified personnel.

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A. is actively taking measures to implement a human resources development policy that would ensure an optimal level of technical and functional competencies aligned with the company’s current requirements and facilitate the execution of its growth strategy.

The company cultivates favourable working conditions by undertaking staff upskilling projects. The Professional Skills Development Programme, which sets out the rules for transferring knowledge and skills among employees, is primarily designed to:

  • enable employees to gain new knowledge and skills that can be applied in their current or new positions,
  • provide employees with development and promotion opportunities, 
  • boost productivity,
  • strengthen the process of learning and sharing knowledge among employees. 

Moreover, the company promotes self-improvement among its workforce by offering diverse training programmes and language courses.

The company does not operate any assistance schemes for employees who retire or have been laid off. 

Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn

In 2022, the Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn: 

  • maintained solutions designed to provide specific training programmes in the online format, 
  • introduced internal training on the procedures and regulations in place at the company, including those concerning legal compliance and contractor sanction checks,
  • made changes to the tuition and upskilling cost reimbursement arrangements – starting from 2022, employees with fixed-term contracts can also seek reimbursement for learning expenses and submit applications for approval of their upskilling plans,
  • the company’s Management Board agreed to grant additional rights to employees pursuing their implementation doctorates.

In 2022, the completion rate of the training plan at Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn was 115.60%. 65% of the training courses, both individual and group sessions, were conducted online, which led to a substantial reduction in expenses associated with business travel, while making it possible to train significantly more employees.

The company operates a financial incentive scheme designed specifically for retiring personnel. Its participants are entitled to a financial allowance equal to 150% of the fixed component of their remuneration, payable with their last salary. It is available to employees who meet all of the following conditions: 

  • are employed under open-ended contracts, 
  • have acquired their first pension entitlement or will acquire it in the following year,
  • at the declared date of termination of their employment relationship, they will be entitled to retire early or will hold statutory pension or bridge benefit entitlements, 
  • their employment contract has been terminated, pending expiry of the notice period.

In 2022, the average number of training hours at the four main companies of the Grupa Azoty Group was 9.63 per male employee and 7.06 per female employee, which means a year-on-year increase of 37.5pp and 7pp, respectively.

We offer clear career paths to our employees and support their professional ambitions. Our Group is constantly looking for people who are eager to learn, talented and aspiring to contribute to the creation of a modern chemical industry in Poland.

Support for staff approaching retirement

In 2022, Grupa Azoty Police arranged workshops for future retirees under the ‘SMARTCOMBO – plan your future with us’ project. The initiative is a response to a serious social problem, namely the feeling of emptiness experienced by some retired individuals. The workshops were an opportunity for persons about to retire to plan their future lives, discovering their talents and interests. The workshops gave participants the necessary knowledge and tools allowing them to identify their needs related to retirement.


Average number of training hours per employee by gender

YearGenderGrupa Azoty S.A.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY
Grupa Azoty POLICE

Average number of training hours per employee by type of position

Structure levelGrupa Azoty S.A.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY
Grupa Azoty POLICE

Machinery operators
9.43F: 0.00
M: 9.60
2.42F: 3.45
M: 9.51
Other blue-collar jobs 0.48
M: 11.58
10.17F: 4.11
M: 27.37
2.74F: 0.63
M: 7.65
31.5612.08.36F: 11,04
M: 11.12
17.75F: 19.93
M: 10.87
10.22F: 18.67
M: 13.44
Laboratory staff
M: 0.00
6.76F: 6.22
2.43F: 2.95
M: 1.92
11.02F: 1.41
0.89F: 28.71
M: 9.19
Senior staff
16.417.81.88F: 2.24
M: 9.77
0.00F: 0.00
M: 0.00
15.64F: 5.05
M: 17.33
Specialist staff
11.6511.57.50F: 11.29
M: 7.58
10.56F: 9.94
M: 10.09
7.11F: 5.13
M: 8.05
Senior management
52.9712.417.11F: 15.63
10.67F: 5.6
M: 28.0
13.40F: 21.33
M: 15.87

1 The company does not have an IT system to aggregate data according to the specified parameters.


Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews in 2022

Grupa Azoty S.A.Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN
Number of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance reviews, by gender (%)
Number of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance reviews, by gender (%)
Number of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance reviews, by gender (%)
Number of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance reviews, by gender (%)

Machinery operators
Other blue-collar jobs
Laboratory staff
Senior staff
Specialist staff
Senior management
Safe and friendly workplace
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Safe and friendly workplace