Safe and friendly workplace

Our employees

Our ESG strategy defines the priorities we follow in employee management, which are to drive the professional development of our workforce, boost the culture of equality, diversity and openness, and provide a safe environment for daily work.

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We offer work in the modern chemical industry and support professional development of all our staff members. We want each and every member of our workforce to be able to pursue their ambitions together with the Grupa Azoty Group and feel they can count on the employer’s support in advancing their professional careers. We hold ourselves responsible for our employees, and their safety at work is addressed as an absolute priority at each Group company.

Our employees receive an attractive remuneration package, appropriate to their position, skills and responsibilities. We also provide ample benefits and perquisites, as well as full-time employment. Each of our key companies is a prominent and valued employer in its operating region.

The HR management process is set out in detail in collective bargaining agreements – individually drafted and implemented by each company of the Grupa Azoty Group. Matters governed by the agreements include working hours, rules of remuneration, allowances and other pay components, as well as conditions to payment of benefits other than remuneration for work (retirement and death benefits). The HR policy at Grupa Azoty S.A. and Grupa Azoty Police is based on a HR strategy defining our approach to workforce management, which consists of a set of procedures, policies and practices for employee relations. At Grupa Azoty S.A., Grupa Azoty Puławy and most of the Grupa Azoty Puławy Group companies we have also implemented work rules.

The Grupa Azoty Group took the top spot in the Forbes ‘Poland’s Best Employers 2022’ ranking in the ‘Oil and Gas Production, Mining, Chemical Industry’ category, having moved up one place compared with the previous year’s ranking. In the general ranking, the Grupa Azoty Group took the 17th place.

About our workforce
[2-7] [2-8] [401-1] [405-1]

As at the end of 2022, the Grupa Azoty Group had 15,858 employees, including nearly 10,000 (62.4%) employed at the four largest companies. Compared with 2021, the head count of employees at these companies changed by 40. We always operate in compliance with the Labour Code and employ our staff under employment contracts, with almost 91% of them concluded on an open-ended basis.


Grupa Azoty Group employees by gender and type of contract (head count)


Grupa Azoty S.A.Open-ended contract6391,4626321,454
Fixed-term contract16382635
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYOpen-ended contract7182,6007042,599
Fixed-term contract7722989254
Grupa Azoty POLICEOpen-ended contract5001,8275041,768
Fixed-term contract4414649194
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYNOpen-ended contract394988405972
Fixed-term contract6511582130

Grupa Azoty Group employees by gender and working time arrangement (head count)


Grupa Azoty S.A.Part-time3648
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYPart-time2030
Grupa Azoty POLICEPart-time3131
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYNPart-time3141

The tables above present the employment level as at December 31st 2021 and December 31st 2022 and include only employees working under employment contracts, excluding any staff working under civil law contracts (i.e. fee-for-task agreements, managerial contracts and agreements with management board members) and personnel on unpaid, parental or rehabilitation leave. The data is presented in head count. In 2022, the Group did not employ anyone without guaranteed working hours. There were no significant changes in the head count numbers between the reporting periods.


Grupa Azoty Group other workers by gender and type of contract (head count)

Grupa Azoty S.A.Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN

Fee-for-task agreements7336710559
Contract for specific work01020001
Services agreement (self-employment, B2B)03000000
Managerial contract0711220007
Agency workers00820000
Unpaid graduate traineeship agreement0000003729
Internships provided in cooperation with county job centres00310010

The table above presents data on other workers, i.e. individuals performing work for the company under civil law contracts, as at December 31st 2022. The data is presented in head count. In the case of internship and traineeship contracts concluded with students, their main purpose is to promote the company at universities, in academic circles and beyond. In other cases, the type of work performed varies depending on the organisation’s current needs and may include such tasks as editing texts for the website or writing articles about brands manufactured by the Group. There were no significant changes in the head count numbers between the reporting periods.


Governing bodies and employees by gender and age group1

There were no significant changes in the workforce structure relative to 2021 at any of our leading companies. The largest group of our employees are blue-collar male workers aged 30 to 50. Women account for a majority (95%) of laboratory staff and 33% of the staff employed as managers. The share of women in senior management positions is over 24%. In 2022, persons aged between 30 and 50 represented a majority of the workforce at each main company of the Grupa Azoty Group. The second largest group were employees aged 50 or older.

1 For the sake of data consistency, GRI 405-1 includes only employees working under employment contracts, excluding any staff working under civil law contracts (i.e. contracts for a specific work, managerial contracts and contracts with management board members).Liczba pracowników z uwzględnieniem płci i struktury zatrudnienia

Number of employees by gender and employee category

Grupa Azoty S.A.Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN

Machinery operators3055026526141,081121,08181,15161,1432365722564
Other blue-collar jobs4443541433949538798972350693542110919110
Laboratory staff194121991318111802180818061141311413
Senior staff14885143811244612343607086439136
Specialist staff178205188215291337301332230231241229156125180129
Senior management92882918451945522522515315

Management Board composition by gender (number and percentage) as at December 31st 2022

Grupa Azoty S.A.Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN


Percentage (%)01000100010040602575257501000100

Supervisory Board composition by gender (number and percentage) as at December 31st 2022

Grupa Azoty S.A.Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN


Percentage (%)22.277.816.783.366.733.314.385.7


Percentage of employees by gender and employee category (%)

Grupa Azoty S.A.Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN

Machinery operators25.521.3924.51.2129.830.3929.650.3345.730.3245.450.2442.061.4741.161.38
Other blue-collar jobs20.192.0420.171.926.302.5927.122.3913.912.8614.082.756.981.346.921.19
Laboratory staff0.569.000.619.280.034.990.054.940.327.
Senior staff3.946.873.786.661.273.421.183.370.000.2400.282.755.512.265.73
Specialist staff9.518.2610.018.769.308.
Senior management1.300.421.350.371.240.501.230.520.870.200.880.20.960.320.950.19

Percentage of employees by age and employee category (%)

Grupa Azoty S.A.Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN
Machinery operators<301.481.073.673.188.188.832.562.08
Other blue-collar jobs<302.692.382.262.612.422.540.260.31
Laboratory staff<301.441.580.750.881.351.272.052.08
Senior staff<300.970.70.330.
Specialist staff<300.280.610.550.521.231.390.260.63
Senior management<300.

Percentage of Management and Supervisory Board members by age (%)

Grupa Azoty S.A.Grupa Azoty PUŁAWYGrupa Azoty POLICEGrupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN


Management BoardNumber061032040041
Percentage (%)085.714.3060400100008020
Supervisory BoardNumber072040033061
Percentage (%)077.722.30100005050085.714.3


New employee hires and employee turnover

New hires by gender and age

Grupa Azoty S.A.<3000%1038%1428.57%88.79%
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY<301846%3231%1022.73%4620.54%
Grupa Azoty POLICE<301633%7150%1931.67%10434.90%
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN<301638%2024%2031.25%1325%
Suma <305034%13337%8036.87%20130.23%
Suma 30–509363%20357%912306.91%5.76%
Suma 50+53%195%9300.94%1.09%

Total number of terminations and employee turnover by gender and age

Grupa Azoty S.A.<3026%1115%00%33.30%
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY<3024%78%12.27%73.12%
Grupa Azoty POLICE<3038%2516%23.33%4314.43%
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN<3026%612%34.69%713.46%
Total <3095%5014%62.76%609.02%
Total 30–504527%9025%443.34%1403.51%
Total 50+11167%22662%939.72%2569.32%

The higher number of terminations in the 50+ age group is mostly due to retirement decisions.

What we provide to our employees
[3-3] [202-1] [401-2]


Remuneration offered to employees of the key Group companies is higher than the minimum wage. Employees holding entry-level jobs at our Group may expect, depending on the company, monthly pay that exceeds the minimum wage by up to 80%. The year-on-year decrease in remuneration of the Group’s employees relative to the minimum wage in 2022 (compared with the remuneration data for 2021) is attributable to a statutory increase of the minimum wage in Poland.


Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage2


Grupa Azoty S.A.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY1.551.551.601.61
Grupa Azoty POLICE1.771.801.271.75
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN1.711.972.601.26

2 Ratio calculated as the average wage for an entry-level job (with entry-level jobs understood as ‘other blue-collar jobs’) compared to the minimum wage in Poland (where the reported companies operate) in the year stated. In 2021, the minimum wage in Poland was PLN 2,800, but was increased to PLN 3,010 in 2022.
The remuneration of individuals providing services to the Grupa Azoty Group under civil-law contracts has been aligned with the applicable minimum wage regulations.


Employee benefits

We offer an attractive package of employee benefits at the Grupa Azoty Group. Each of our companies individually tailors its package to the needs of employees. 

Grupa Azoty S.A. provides its full-time employees with:

  • Employee Pension Scheme, which at the end of 2022 covered 1,804 employees,
  • Access to private medical care, comprising primary care and specialist services. In 2022, 1,733 employees were covered by the medical care plan; 
  • Group life insurance – the insurance is not co-funded by the employer, but the monthly premiums and insurance benefits negotiated by tender are preferential to the Group’s employees. In 2022, 3,259 employees and their family members were covered by the group life insurance; 
  • Benefits under the Social Benefits Fund:
    • financial assistance – emergency cash,
      • emergency cash for employees, pensioners, persons on pre-retirement benefits and children of eligible persons,
    • holiday allowance for employees, employees’ children, former employees, including:
      • holiday allowance for employees,
      • holiday allowance for pensioners, and persons on pre-retirement benefits, 
      • allowance for therapeutic holidays in a sanatorium purchased individually by eligible persons, 
      • allowance for children’s summer and winter camps, residential trips, holidays, therapeutic holidays in a sanatorium and physical therapy holidays, 
    • loans – repayable aid
      • home loans; 
    • grants for cultural, educational, sports and recreational activities, including:
      • cultural, sports and recreation events, 
      • use of swimming pools and other sports facilities, 
      • Christmas events and purchase of Santa Clause gifts for children, 
      • employee trips,
      • financing of corporate events for employees, old-age and disability pensioners, and persons on pre-retirement benefits
    • financial assistance around Christmas/Easter
      • vouchers and financial assistance to prepare for Christmas/Easter for pensioners and persons on pre-retirement benefits.

Grupa Azoty Puławy provides its full-time employees with: 

  • Group life insurance. The insurance is not funded by the Group, but the negotiated monthly premiums are preferential to its employees. At the end of 2022, 3,372 employees and 1,462 family members were covered by the insurance, adding up to a total of 4,834 insured persons; 
  • Private healthcare package comprising primary medical care and specialist services. As at the end of 2022, 3,010 employees and 2,849 family members were covered by the medical care plan, adding up to a total of 5,859 persons; 
  • Employee Capital Plan (PPK) – at the end of 2022, PPK had 1,079 participants; 
  • Benefits under the Social Benefits Fund:
    • financial assistance – emergency cash,
      • emergency cash for employees, pensioners, persons on pre-retirement benefits and children of eligible persons,
    • holiday allowance for employees,
      • holiday allowance for pensioners, and persons on pre-retirement benefits, 
      • allowance for therapeutic holidays in a sanatorium purchased individually by eligible persons,
      • allowance for children’s summer and winter camps, residential trips, holidays, therapeutic holidays in a sanatorium and physical therapy holidays, 
    • loans – repayable aid
      • home loans; 
    • grants for cultural, educational, sports and recreational activities, including:
      • cultural, sports and recreation events, 
      • use of swimming pools and other sports facilities, 
      • Christmas events and purchase of Santa Clause gifts for children, 
      • employee trips,
      • financing of ‘Spartakiads’ – an event for employees, old-age and disability pensioners, and persons on pre-retirement benefits,
    • financial assistance around Christmas/Easter
      • financial assistance to prepare for Christmas/Easter for pensioners and persons on pre-retirement benefits.

Grupa Azoty Police provides its full-time employees with:

  • Access to private healthcare, comprising primary medical care and specialist services with a dental package. At the end of 2022, 1,882 employees and 1,267 family members were covered by the medical care plan, making up a total of 3,149 people. 
  • Employee Pension Scheme – the number of the scheme participants at the end of 2022 was 1,871 (including 58 suspended participants1).
  • Life insurance – the insurance is not funded by the Group, but the negotiated monthly premiums are preferential to its employees. At the end of 2022, 4,320 employees and their family members were covered by the insurance; 
  • Benefits under the Social Benefits Fund:
    • financial assistance – emergency cash,
      • emergency cash for employees and pensioners,
    • holiday allowance for employees,
      • holiday allowance,
      • holiday grants for employees’ children, 
    • loans – repayable aid
      • home loans;
    • financial assistance around Christmas/Easter
      • purchase of Christmas gifts/vouchers for children,
      • prepaid gift card top-ups before Easter, Chemists’ Day and Christmas.

1 The suspension was due to a lack of remuneration as the employees were on unpaid, parental or sick leave.

Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn provides its full-time employees with:

  • Additional medical insurance – as at the end of 2022, 1,388 employees and 1,571 family members were covered by the insurance, adding up to a total of 2,959 insured persons.
  • Employee Pension Scheme – at the end of 2022, the number of the scheme participants was 1,260;
  • Health promotion programmes – in the period March to November 30th 2022, 814 employees benefited from the preventive health promotion programmes;
  • Partial reimbursement of upskilling expenses – six employees received a tuition refund; 
  • Additional hours and days off – after six months of uninterrupted employment at the company; a precondition for such additional leave was the use of outstanding holiday leave;
  • Option to work shorter hours on September 1st 2022; 
  • Work-Life Balance counselling project offering employees free psychological advice,
  • Fruity Wednesdays – an initiative of a Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn employee, running from the beginning of summer holidays to the end of 2022. The fruit was sourced from a local farm in Grudynia Wielka. While taking care of the health of its employees, Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn supports local farmers and fosters their ties with the Grupa Azoty Group;
  • Benefits under the Social Benefits Fund:
    • finance assistance
      • emergency cash for employees, pensioners, persons on pre-retirement benefits,
  • holiday allowance for employees, employees’ children, former employees, including:
    • holiday allowance for employees,
    • allowance for children’s summer and winter camps, residential trips, holidays, therapeutic holidays in a sanatorium and physical therapy holidays, 
  • grants for cultural, educational, sports and recreational activities, including:
    • use of swimming pools and other sports facilities,
  • financial assistance around Christmas/Easter
    • purchase of Santa Clause gifts for employees’ children,
Immediate environment
Table of contents
Safe and friendly workplace